
Reasons for implementing automated self-service access requests

Reasons for implementing automated self-service access requests

Managing access requests is a critical aspect of the identity lifecycle and can be an extremely tedious process. Administrators are responsible for provisioning and deprovisioning access, enforcing data rights and adhering to the principle of least privilege. Additionally, the complexity of hybrid ecosystems and reliance on manual processes further contribute to the tedious, time-consuming, and costly nature of managing access requests.

What is Access Request Management?

Managing access requests includes receiving, evaluating, and approving or denying user requests to interact with your organization’s data and resources. Managing this process is not limited to assessing the identity of the applicant and the type of access: it is more about striking a balance between organizational security and operational efficiency.

Below is automation that can significantly improve business operation in five key areas. 

1. Create a Better User Experience 

In older environments, requests to access data or resources often appear in emails, phone calls, or the IT service management ticket system. In modern identity implementations, an identity management tool or process (IDM) that enables self-service access requests facilitates security and compliance by systematically enforcing and monitoring digital identities across the IT ecosystem.

A modern tool with both an online request process and a fulfillment engine can streamline service; intelligent access analytics can save organizations time and money by suggesting appropriate access and highlighting risky requests. This expedites the approval/denial process based on recommendations and minimizes the approval times. A consistent, intuitive automated process reduces the workload for requesters and approvers and increases employee productivity.  

2. Mitigate Human Error Risk

Manually serving a high volume of access requests in a fast-paced environment is a recipe for human error. To avoid potential delays, access applicants submit access requests for permissions that go beyond their job description. This can lead to increased privileges over time.

Furthermore, excessive access requests violate the principle of least privilege. Unfortunately, IT managers and administrators often approve all access requests without much thought to avoid roadblocks and a lack of detailed access knowledge. Other common risks of human error include failure to track access and failure to limit access times.

3. Increase the Productivity of your IT Department

Automating the approval and processing of low-risk access requests reduces high manual workloads, shortens approval times and increases cycles available for other projects. Additionally, access requests can be approved using automated remediation actions, such as an automatic review date or end date.

4. Improve Compliance

 With a central, automated location to record and document audit trails, administrators have an accurate and easily accessible archive of regulatory compliance evidence. Additionally, automated reporting makes it easier to verify and demonstrate that access to data and assets has been appropriately restricted or granted in accordance with security, compliance and privacy regulations.

About DVrtta

We are a leading Identity and Access Management service provider who stayed ahead of the pack by providing the best IAM services to customers since day one. We have successfully delivered many IAM / IGA projects. We offer a seamless experience with integration across all cloud applications. Have questions? The consultation is always free.


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