
Category: Privileged Access Management

Zero Trust Security – All you need to know

Zero Trust Security – All you need to know

Zero-trust security is neither a product nor a service but a fundamental shift in the way we think about security. Rather than defining an attack surface and building a wall around it to keep hackers outside, all users must prove themselves trustworthy, whether they’re inside or outside the network. The concept works like this: Imagine

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The Merger between ForgeRock and Ping Identity

The Merger between ForgeRock and Ping Identity

The tech industry is abuzz with the news of the merger between ForgeRock and Ping Identity. Both companies are prominent players in the identity and access management (IAM) space, and this strategic move aims to leverage their respective strengths to create a powerhouse in the market. ForgeRock brings to the table its expertise in modern

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What is PAM and why does your business need it?

What is PAM and why does your business need it?

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a cybersecurity strategy that focuses on controlling and securing access to critical systems and sensitive data within an organization. It helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches by managing, monitoring, and securing privileged accounts and credentials.

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